Friday 10 June 2011

Are we Human?

The topic itself is threatening and heart breaking; makes me think over again and again. It is visible all around the world. Whenever I read a newspaper, or hear any news from any source or see an accident or event, this question hits my mind. Everyone around us is human, and we have humanity. We are superior to animals and are civilized; we know how to deal with things with tenderness and with understanding. The only reason is that we use our mind, but all that is happening around us, makes me think that we are far worse than animals.

My ideas and thoughts are so cluttered, I don’t know from where to start or what I should take?  Every day I encounter some news, which shakes me up terribly and leaves me breathless for a few seconds. Those events or accidents are either related to my Country (Pakistan) or some other country, but we feel the same pain. For example, a father slaughtered his wife and children; a man killed another for just 2500 bucks and so on.
So many things take place, each and every second; I always wonder where we have lost our humanity? How a single person can kill their own family just for the sake of property. How a person can kill his or her siblings or children with their own hands, can’t they just feel for a second? What makes them take such a barbaric and brutal step?  How do some people just walk into a market or mosque or anywhere and blow themselves up and others?  Why they don’t even think, before doing that? Just because of this they have played with so many lives and have destroyed so many families.

What was the need of war? Why do people fight for a piece of land, or natural resources? What is the need of “Power”when we all know, that one day we have to leave this world!!
This really hurts, and we know we will leave this world powerless. Just for a few things, we are not destroying or hurting others, but we are losing our own character.
The vital point I want to make is that, we are so capable of declaring ourselves worse than animals; we are the ones who actually destroy the peace and infect this earth. One might say that the main reason is that people are not that educated or their minds don’t work or maybe they are poor. It may be the reason, but sometimes, I have found that big people, who are well-educated or rich, they do such useless things. Now I am speechless! I try to think and sort it out what would be the reason behind this action?

Few things, I think might be the solution to these problems.

1. It’s the foremost responsibility of teachers, to groom students at the beginning. They should encourage them to study,to develop a passion for studies, and create good, soft, tender, and loving relations with all mates. They should ask all students to live with harmony not only in class, but also in the family or in the street etc. they should teach students not to make money their life. Live a life simple and with high-caliber, teach them that money is not life; it’s just a part of life.

2. Parents should provide them peaceful atmosphere, because children live here and they are the future. Parents and teacher make children humans. They are the role models for them.

3. Government also has a part, in fact a crucial one! I will give my government’s example, as they go everywhere with huge families, wear expensive suits and accessories. Yet they have imposed so many taxes on us!! People don’t have money, they are not able to eat ample for two times, yet they have to pay taxes! That’s injustice. People commit suicide for this reason too, because they don’t have money to feed their own family. Government should take care of this issue too.

“Why we should become brutal, heartless, miser and powerful, when we know that one day we have to leave each and everything behind and leave this world empty handed. It’s a better option, to lead a life simple and with love!”

Courtesy: Anam Jabbar

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